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image showing recipe preparationPreparation timeelementPreparation time10 min
image showing recipe preparationCooking timeelementCooking time5 min
image showing recipe preparationPortionselementPortions4
image showing recipe preparationFromelementFromLatin America


  • 60 g rice flour
  • 75 g almonds, shelled
  • 1/2 coffee spoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 250 ml water (hot, not boiling)
  • 375 ml water (cold)
  • 40 g caster sugar
  • Zest of 1 lime


  • Pour rice flour, almonds, cinnamon sticks, ground cinnamon and zest into a large jar. Add the hot water. Mix.
  • Close the jar and let stand for 8 hours at room temperature.
  • At the end of these 8 hours, remove the lime zest and cinnamon sticks and pour the mixture into a blender.
  • Stir for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth.
  • Add 250 ml of water and filter the mixture through moistened filter paper.
  • Add another 125 ml of water and then the sugar obtained in the liquid and keep 3 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Serve with crushed ice.
Energy Total carbs Sugar Total fat Saturated fat Omega 3 Fibers Sodium
213.5 Kcal 24.0 g 11.0 g 10.1 g 0.8 g 0.0 g 3.0 g 8.5 g

The nutritionist's advice:

This popular drink is very sweet, enjoy it with breakfast or as a balanced snack.