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Quebec fish soup

Quebec fish soupimage
image showing recipe preparationPreparation timeelementPreparation time10 min
image showing recipe preparationCooking timeelementCooking time30 min
image showing recipe preparationPortionselementPortions4
image showing recipe preparationFromelementFromNorth America


  • 4 fillets of whiting
  • 5 ml sour cream
  • 100 g long grain rice
  • 10 ml white wine
  • 2 onions
  • 1 leek
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable stock
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 small sprig basil
  • Salt, pepper


  • Boil the rice in a large volume of salted water and drain.
  • Clean the leek and cut it into thin strips.
  • Peel and slice the onion.
  • Boil 70 ml of water with the vegetable stock and white wine.
  • Add the leek and onions.
  • When boiling, add the fish and cook for 6 minutes.
  • Remove the fish with a skimmer.
  • Add the rice and cream to the broth.
  • Adjust the seasoning if necessary before pouring a portion into each bowl.
  • Place one fillet of whiting in each dish and sprinkle with paprika and chopped basil.
Energy Total carbs Sugar Total fat Saturated fat Omega 3 Fibers Sodium
252.6 Kcal 14.4 g 4.1 g 7.8 g 3.4 g 0.2 g 3.0 g 198 g

The nutritionist's advice:

This recipe can be made with other types of white fish and other vegetables can be added, such as carrots, turnips or celery to vary the flavors.